Ps4 Why Can't I Download Game I've Previously Purchased

Anyone who has owned a PlayStation 4 for a while can tell you that the console’s 500GB-to-1TB hard drive doesn’t provide nearly as much storage as expected. While smaller indie titles often take up a few gigabytes, sprawling AAA games can demand more than 50GB of precious hard drive capacity. Unless you buy an external hard drive, you will probably have to delete old games from time to time to make room for new ones. We’ll show you how to delete games on a PS4.

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Don’t worry, though, you can always go back and reinstall deleted games, either from a disc or the PlayStation Network store, without losing any save progress (deleting games only removes the application itself from the hard drive). Here’s how to delete and reinstall PS4 games.

Deleting games in your library

Step 1: Navigate to the icon for the game you wish to delete, either in the quick start main menu or in your library, which is found all the way to the right side of the utility bar on the PS4 home screen.

If you had the trial version, and purchased the full game unlock, that unlocks the trial version to become the full version. I was able to do this easily on the old playstation store but can't figure it out on the new one. How do I download the trial for games I've previously bought in the new playstation store? I have 2 accounts on my PS4, I purchased a digital game with one, but I can't play it with. Can I use Multiple accounts on one PS4 to play different games? Can you play a game that was downloaded from a different account on Xbox One?

Step 2: While highlighting the icon, press the Options button on your controller to bring up this menu.

Step 3: Scroll down to Delete, and confirm your selection by pressing OK.


Deleting a game from system storage

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If you’re clearing out space, you may want to delete games from the system storage menu itself. The storage menu lists games in size order, making it easier to identify which games are taking up the most space.

Step 1: Navigate to Settings on the home screen.

Ps4 Why Can

Step 2: Select Storage.

Step 3: Select System Storage, or Extended Storage, if you have an external hard drive attached to your PS4.

Step 4: Select Applications.

Step 5: Press options on your controller, then choose Delete.

Ps4 Why Can't I Download Game I've Previously Purchased On Youtube

Step 6: You can select as many games as you want to delete at this time.

Step 7: With the desired boxes checked, choose Delete.

Step 8: Confirm your selections by pressing OK.

Reinstalling games

Step 1: Navigate to the library on the home screen and scroll down to Purchased. If you are looking for a specific PlayStation Plus game, you can find them all by selecting the yellow plus symbol located underneath the Purchased icon.

Step 2: Games not currently on your hard drive that can be re-downloaded will have a downward arrow in the bottom right-hand corner of their icons.

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Step 3: Press X on the game you would like to reinstall and click Download.

Deleting and reinstalling disc-based games

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You can follow almost the exact same process to delete and reinstall physical PS4 games. When the PS4 detects a game disc, the data will automatically begin installing: Make sure to remove your game disc from the console before deleting that game. Then, when you want to play it again, simply put the disc back in to reinstall it.

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I didn't want to create a thread for this one particular problem but I couldn't find an answer anywhere on the Internet so here goes.
I recently downloaded China Rising for Battlefield 4 on PS4, I then wanted to create some space on my hdd so I started to tick the boxes for which content I wanted deleted, then I accidently deleted the China Rising dlc....
Initially I thought oh well easy downloaded, however when I try to redownload it on the store it says it's installed and I'm unable to play the maps :/
I also tried to add it to my download queue on the Web store but it instantly says playable....
How am I meant to redownload the content? Is it possible?