Chocolate Flava Zane Free Download

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Jan 6, 2004 - Read Chocolate Flava by Simon & Schuster for free with a 30 day free trial. Collections of great erotic fiction edited by Zane, the reigning queen of erotica. Download the free Scribd mobile app to read anytime, anywhere.

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Zane's Z-Rated: Chocolate Flava 3
Zane's Z-Rated: Chocolate Flava 3

About book: Army at North Harmony Church, Fort Benning, Georgia. I was seventeen years old and regrettably at the time, still a virgin. We were two weeks from graduation, and my buddies Ed Bristol and Juan Garcia took a weekend pass to visit Columbus, Georgia. A typical GI town of the late seventies, Columbus offered an endless selection of strip joints, tattoo parlors, and pawnshops. They catered to young inexperienced soldiers like me from Tinytown, Kansas; Nowhere, Oklahoma; and Jerkwater, Nevada.
We checked into a cheap, dreary motel near the cornucopia of strip joints, eager for our weekend of fun and freedom. Juan left to get “supplies,” while Ed and I unpacked. The motel was a dump located on Victory Drive, with threadbare carpets, thin walls and drapes, and even thinner towels that felt as comfortable against your skin as twenty grit sandpaper. I would say it was clean, but the roaches would probably take offense. We were watching one of those pathetic seventies sitcoms when Juan abruptly returned.
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Other books by Zane

“Hey, I asked you a question. You like looking at my snatch? Look at it, take a good look, because you’ll never see another one this good again.”
I had to agree with her on that one. She’d had her fingers inside and now brought one up to her lips, to lick, to roll her tongue around.
“Hmm, tastes good, too.”
In walked the star of the film we were shooting. She sauntered over to Delight, confident of her ability to perform for the camera as well and already nude. Her eyebrows rose just a fraction when she caught sight of this amazingly sexy woman who had the potential to steal her limelight.
Delight was a smart girl. She was giving nothing away. She was there to impress and she was certainly getting our votes.
Paula, the star, slapped Delight on the thigh before lowering herself to kneel in between those amazing legs. I moved in for a closer shot. Her tongue shot out tentatively to flicker at Delight’s clit. She showed her appreciation by moving her pelvis upward, wanting Paula’s tongue to do some more work as she stared sexily at the camera.
“Lick that pussy, baby; lick it like you’ve never licked one before. Taste it. There’s no other pussy that tastes as good as mine,” she said as she grabbed Paula by the head and held her an inch away from it. “Can you smell it, baby? Are you enjoying my scent, hmm? Breathe it in.”
Paula was taken aback. She was used to being the star, calling the shots. Now here was this red-hot woman, with the most amazing body anyone’s ever seen, and even though I’m sure Paula wants to pull back, make Delight beg for her, she doesn’t. Her tongue flickers out and hits her clit.
I notice she’s making sure she’s got her body more in the shot, her face and hair hiding Delight’s delicious pussy.
“Ah, yeah, baby, lick it. Come on,” Delight says with that silky voice.
Paula’s head disappears between Delight’s thighs and I have trouble getting the shot, she’s nuzzling into her like I’ve never seen her do. She seems to be working hard at it, trying to take control, sucking and licking like she’s never tasted one before, like this is her first lesbian movie.
I’m picturing myself there, naked, my body sandwiched between the two of them. How awesome would that be? My hands are all over Delight’s gorgeous breasts and I suck a nipple into my mouth, draw back on it, before gobbling as much as I can into my mouth. I’m fingering her cunt hard, her beautiful breasts jiggling, her warm brown arms reaching out to me, to pull me into her.
Then her dark fingers are tearing at the flesh on my back, my body can only take so much, and I’m just about ready to . . .
“Hey, whoa, back on that, baby, there’s only so much a girl can take,” Delight says as she pulls Paula’s head away, dragging her up to her breast. Paula nuzzles in, suckling like a baby hours late for a feed. She’s eyeing the camera as she does it, her body again more into the camera than the action.
She’s putting on a good show, but inside I imagine she’s seething. Everyone in the room knows Delight’s body is the showstopper. Paula is gorgeous and has been around for years but Delight would bring something exciting into our production if she gets the job, and I’m thinking she’s a sure thing.
“Oh, yeah, that feels sooooo good,” Delight purrs.
The guys are all looking on as though they are wishing they were between her legs, their faces buried at her breasts. I almost laughed at their hard-ons, visible through their trousers.
“Come on, baby,” she says, as she pulls Paula up farther, her mouth pouting, tongue flicking over her teeth, wanting Paula to kiss her mouth. Their tongues lock and she lifts her legs, wrapping them around Paula’s back.
I’m trying hard to hang on to what I’ve been taught. Look for the best shot. The best angle. Watch the lights, shadows, etc. It’s too much for me. My pussy and emotions have a mind of their own and they want to be smothered by this amazing woman.
The contrast of their flesh as they wrestle with each other is something to behold. Delight’s legs, wrapped around Paula’s white back, are kicking into her flesh, while pulling her in even closer.
Sweat is pouring off Paula. I’ve never seen her work so hard. Usually it’s the others who are desperate to put on a performance better than hers but here she is desperate to be the continuing star.
She kisses Delight deep and long, and for a second I think she’s come. She licks Delight’s chin, her eyes, cheeks, and then smashes her mouth into hers. I can just see her tongue, slipping all over Delight’s mouth. Licking her cheeks, her eyes, ears, throat, and then back down to those amazing jugs.
It’s one of the most passionate kisses I’ve ever seen on film.
“That’s enough now,” Delight says, pushing Paula away from her.
“What . . . hey . . . I make the decisions,” Paula said, trying to regain some composure.
“I’m sure you usually do,” she purred, “but this is my audition and I think I have every right to make sure they’re appreciating the exhibition I hoped to show.”
“Huh,” Paula says, staring over at John.
I’ve never seen John like this. He’s floundering like a fish out of water. He’s got his cock out, stroking it, and it looks like it’s about to explode. I should know. Hell, I’m his cameraman; I’ve seen him interview many women, but not like this. He stumbles over to Paula, his cock jutting forward, leading the way.
“I think I’d better have a look at what you’ve got there,” he says, coming between her legs.
“Yeah, sure, baby,” she says. She’s not stupid; she knows who signs the checks.
Paula smacks her pussy hard, enjoying the sensation as John looks on. “Bring it here, baby, and you’ll never want another pussy again.”
He laps at her, licking long and hard from her hole all the way up to her clit. He lingers over it, sucking and licking, his cock growing bigger by the second.
I didn’t want to do anything to break the mood. They seemed to be in a world of their own. I zoomed in instead of actually coming closer, not wanting to distract them from their lovemaking. This wasn’t just fucking, it was something more, something I’ve never witnessed between two people.
He looks up at her, his face covered in her juices. Scrambling up her body, he thrusts himself into her as his tongue seeks out her mouth. They fuck on and on, sweat pouring off both of them. The guys and I watch, every one of them has a hard-on; we’re all dumbfounded by this spectacle.
In the meantime, Delight is appalled at what is going on during her audition. She finds her clothes and dresses quickly. “Excuse me,” she says, making to leave.
“What?” John was so caught up in Paula, he’d lost direction of what he was supposed to be doing, which was of course making sure he signed Delight to a contract.
Paula’s plump butt grinds into John and her tits are practically resting on the couch. John tries to lower his hand down to grope one, but they’re swaying back and forth under his pounding.
“I’m leaving,” Delight says angrily.
I’ve stopped taping John and Paula and am now focused on Delight, who is angry, standing at the edge of the couch, staring down at the two of them.
“Wait,” John says, reluctant to leave Paula.
Paula pushes back into John. She peers back over her shoulder and I catch the look, the look of entrapment. She’s snared him and she knows it. John is of two minds on what to do and takes no time in coming.
“You’re disgusting,” Delight says to John. “I wouldn’t work for you if you paid me a fortune.”
“Wait,” John says. “I want you to be the new star in our movie.”
“What?” Paula jumps up angrily.
Prime Piece of Property
I am sitting here with my husband and this real estate agent trying to negotiate a price for this beautiful house, but I can’t stop my pussy from pulsating at just the thought of fucking the shit out of this agent.
My husband and I have what most people would consider an ideal marriage: nice house with the picket fence, expensive cars, excellent careers, a set of beautiful twin girls, and even a great sex life, so why in the hell am I sitting here flooding like the Mississippi River from just being in this stranger’s presence? This agent is picture-perfect, though—he has skin the color of milk chocolate, a baritone voice that would put the Allstate insurance guy to shame, a nicely shaped bald head, and a well-groomed goatee. Fuck, if my husband wasn’t sitting here with us, Mr. Milk Chocolate and I would probably be screwing on his mahogany desk by now.
Having these types of thoughts running through my head was unlike me because I had never been this type of woman. A year and a half ago my husband decided he wanted to cheat on me with the water girl down at the gym. The fucking water girl! He confessed to me and we talked about it and all that shit. I forgave him since it was his first slipup, but I never forgot it. And ever since then every fine-ass man that crosses my path, all I can do is think about how he could please my walls in bed. I know two wrongs don’t make a right but I was like fuck it, I’m still going to get mine, at least once!
“While your offer sounds good, I would like a few days to talk this over with my wife, Mr. Johnson, and we’ll get back in touch with you soon as we come to a decision,” said my husband, Richard.

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